Monday, September 22, 2008

Hunting for Faeries

So for those of you letterboxers who have found some of my boxes or know anything about me, you might know I am a little bit "into" faeries... in fact as an artist I primarily do faerie art these days. Well, I have been burning the candle at both ends and in the middle trying to do it all, work full time, full time single parent, and full time art business, so I have been more than a little busy. If you want to know more about the art and life side of me, you can check out my website at and I also have another blog for that called Musings from the Fae So the upshot is I am very busy and haven't been out boxing much, so I figured I would have the boxers come to me, so I have planted boxes at events where I have been vending my artwork, so most recently I was vending my art at the Eastern Massachusetts Pagan Pride Project in North Andover, MA, which was yesterday, September 21, 2008. It was my pleasure to be vending next door to Sha the Loon Witch, whom I had met but not previously exchanged with, and also to get her EMPPP which she was replanting. My first letterboxer to arrive and get the box was Choi, it was a pleasure to meet him, he plants many beautifully carved boxes in my area, and it was great to finally have a name to put to the face. Also, my friend Kyerstein tried boxing for the first time and she wrote in the logbook that I got her hooked on it... so look out for a Dragon Fairy coming your way ;-) My next visitors were letterboxers who were new to the area, and if I hadn't posted they never would have known about the event, so I was pleased that something I had done had a positive ripple in the univers. So Nature and Caipora came on by with their lovely backpacks full of their greyhounds, who also stamped into the logbook, Peeky and Vito. Such wise and sage faces on those dogs, to me they were reminiscent of some of Brian Froud's pixies or something. Next up were The Merry Pranksters and the Woodland Wanderers with Go Catman and Music Man, and The Sparrows Interest. I had previously met Pete of the Merry Pranksters, but it was a pleasure to meet Deb. It was so wonderful to have all these lovely letterboxers come out and see me :-) Rounding out a perfect day was the visit from Old Hounder and Siamese! They didn't have their stamps however, so we will have to finish their half of the exchange at Fright Night.... And speaking of Fright Night, after many years of missing this wonderful event, Maine Kokopellian was finally able to get me to commit to coming, and I will even have some of my art with me. I believe there may be some night boxing Faerie Hunting going on ..... keep your eyes open! And for those of you who might be into the whole Trading Card phenomenon, I currently have 2 ATCs listed on ebay, both are originals so check em out!